In the ever-changing world of optical networking, groundbreaking technologies continually reshape the landscape. This post will explore the complexities of AI solutions, examining their effects on network infrastructure and their pivotal role in the future of data transmission.

Advanced Transceivers Empowering AI Capabilities

Discover our advanced transceivers designed to meet the stringent requirements of AI applications in data centers! The 400G OSFP112-RHS DR4 ensures seamless deployment in AI environments, with guaranteed compatibility for Nvidia/Mellanox platforms. Meanwhile, the 800G OSFP 2xDR4 introduces new possibilities by delivering doubled 400G speeds through a single switch port, ensuring seamless integration with major equipment platforms. Backed by Skylane Optics' rigorous quality testing, our solutions make us your trusted partner for cutting-edge data center connectivity.

Artificial intelligence transceiver

Learn more about our 400G OSFP112-RHS DR4 & 800G OSFP 2xDR4!

Powering AI and ML with Skylane Optics' high speed DACs

Discover Skylane Optics' Active & Passive DACs tailored for AI and machine learning environments. Achieve speeds up to 800Gbps with our precision-engineered solutions, ensuring reliable connectivity and reduced latency in high-performance computing. Compatible with Mellanox/Nvidia platforms, our DACs enhance data processing efficiency. Choose from our range including OSFP 400G to 2xQSFP56 and 800G to 2x400G OSFP RHS. Benefit from rapid availability, lifetime warranty, and full industry compliance. Upgrade your network infrastructure with Skylane Optics to unleash the full potential of your AI and ML clusters.

ai transceiver

Our Active & Passive DACs!

Boost AI Capabilities with State-of-the-Art Transceiver Tech

The introduction of 400G SR4 transceivers, utilizing advanced 100G VCSEL technology across OSFP-RHS, OSFP112, and QSFP112 form factors, expands short-reach options and sets the stage for the upcoming shift to 800G speeds. These advancements cater to the escalating bandwidth needs of AI/ML workloads and are reshaping optical networking with enhanced efficiency and adaptability.

AI transceivers

Discover our cutting-edge transceivers – the 400G OSFP-RHS and 800G OSFP 2xSR4


Explore AI and ML Architectures: Fundamentals & Practical Consideration

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